Blog Archives


ARA Dissolves

The Aurora Repeater Association had a long run. Incorporated in May 1977, at it’s height it had 300+ members and was noted for its linked repeater system on Guy Hill. Following the directive below, the assets of the club were transferred to Rocky Mountain Ham Radio. This site has been left intact for reference. The […]

Weekly Bulletin Net Ended

After more than 50 years, the weekly ARA net has ended after low check in rates and scheduling conflicts for net control operators. We are sorry for the inconvenience.


Hi all Many sites in Colorado that relied on the generosity of Rocky Mountain Ham Radio were hacked and held for ransom recently… No ransom was paid and we are all rebuilding, Please thank Rocky Mountain Ham Radio and have patience while we rebuild 73 Wayne N0POH ARA Treasurer & web dude

ARA Discontinues Autopatch

October 12, 2014 Effective the week of October 13 the ARA is discontinuing the auto-patch at Guy Hill. Over the years. the use of the auto-patch for both personal phone calls by members and Emergency phone calls by the general amateur radio community has decline to virtually no calls per year.  Meanwhile the cost of […]

447.500/R Has a New Home

In an expansion of the cooperative agreement between the Aurora Repeater Association and Rocky Mountain Ham Radio, the 447.500 repeater is now a few miles south of its original location at a site known as Critchell. At 8,400 feet it is not quite as high as the old Conifer Mountain site but it does enjoy […]

224.74/R Upgrade

Thanks to some generous donations by Nate WYØX and Doug K2AD, the 224.74 repeater is sounding much better. Nate had always wanted to put up a 222 MHz repeater and at one time even had a 222 MHz repeater pair coordinated through the Colorado Council of Amateur Radio Clubs but the project never materialized. He […]

147.15 Repeater Switches to PL 100Hz

After trying all summer to find and fix the problem with the mobile station that has been rebroadcasting Comedy 103.1 FM, ARA has, as a last resort, changed the CTCSS (PL) tone from our normal 88.5 Hz to 100 Hz. This change was effective at 11 AM this morning September 26. Those who have migrated […]

147.12/R is on the air!

The 147.120 is up at Critchell. Our thanks to The crew was Scott N0OWY, Susie N0TMO, Scott’s Dad Arnie, and Tracy KI0HC for doing the honors on Saturday April 11!