ARA Discontinues Autopatch

Filed under: Uncategorized

October 12, 2014

Effective the week of October 13 the ARA is discontinuing the auto-patch at Guy Hill. Over the years. the use of the auto-patch for both personal phone calls by members and Emergency phone calls by the general amateur radio community has decline to virtually no calls per year.  Meanwhile the cost of keeping the phone line at the site has been rising over the years.  The Board of Directors, led in the this instance by the Treasurer and Trustee of the 224.74/R Wayne N0POH and concurred by President and Trustee of the 448.85/R Steve K0IBM and Trustee of the 147.15/R David W0CBI we’ll be discontinuing the phone line and conserving some $800 per year that can be devoted to other projects.
